Friday, November 14, 2008

what did i buy yesterday (13/11/08)

Checkout the stuff that i got yesterday - i was naughty and i think i over did it

  1. WAIFT Fashion Parade tickets x 4 (one for me, karen, jillian and louisa)

  2. I couldnt help myself I just had to buy all this fabric from the Fabric shop at Bentley TAFE when i went to buy the tickets. I'm planning to use the fabric to make bags and clutches, as part of the production line that me and karen are designing for our small business. (I'll post details of how i'll our 1st meeting went)

  3. This was a totally an impusive buy - i havent even tried it on. I found this dress @ Temt, carousel ($34.95), i really love the print so i just brought the dress =P. Hopefully it fits nicely (fingers-cross). The photo below doesnt do any justice for the colour of the dress, I'll try to post better pics later.

  4. Lastly, I brought a gold necklace and and braclet from diva, they were having a promotion buy two items for $15. (i didnt have time to take a pic, so i will post later)

i think i would have brought more stuff if VG wasnt so busy last nite, i have at least 8 dresses and tops at VG that i need to try on. I'm goin to need to do more shopping on saturday, i'm just addicted i just cant stop =(

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